Over the weekend, the folks at Saturday Night Live tried their hand at a second virtual episode, which gave Aidy Bryant and Kate McKinnon a chance to “reunite” for one of their many, many, many off-kilter character sketches.

This week, they explored the current nightmare of grocery shopping as sisters Kathy and Suzanna-Anna-Helen, the owners of Bartenson’s grocery store. Staples like chicken, milk, and bread are selling out in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, but that just means everyone needs to start going for less popular grocery items!

Reduced sodium Dasani, frozen Hawaiian pizza, mint Pringles, Pepsi Crab, and more! And for online shoppers, the website is offering all kinds of alternatives for high-demand products. Need toilet paper? How about a DVD of Van Helsing instead? It’d be funny if it wasn’t so true.
