Efforts aid American restaurant families impacted by natural disasters
Franklin, TN (RestaurantNews.com) As Hurricane Laura hits Louisiana and California battles some of the most massive wildfires in its history, the national non-profit organization, Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE)©, provides financial help to food and beverage employees with children weather a natural disaster.
More than 500,000 people were ordered to evacuate the Gulf Coast due to Hurricane Laura, which followed closely on the heels of Tropical Storm Marco, and more than one million acres have been burned in the California wildfires.
“At this vital moment in time, employees with children in the food and beverage industry are amongst the most vulnerable,” said Sheila Bennett, executive director of CORE. “These families are potentially facing the triple impact of a health crisis, closures of their workplaces, and displacements after natural disasters.”
Restaurant employees with children that have been affected by these natural disasters are eligible for support to help relieve financial burdens. CORE provides grants to help cover medical bills for children, gas cards, clothing, groceries, medical supplies and therapies, utilities, rent and mortgage, and other essential needs that a family might find necessary to navigate their specific circumstances.
Food and beverage industry employees with children, from this area or anywhere in the U.S. whose families face a health crisis, or natural disaster can visit www.COREgives.org to learn about the CORE and apply for relief. Families may also be referred through CORE’s website. Visit https://COREgives.org for more information or to donate.
About Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE)
CORE: Children of Restaurant Employees, a national 501(c)3, is dedicated to serving food and beverage service employees with children when either the working parent or child is navigating through medical diagnosis, illness, injury, a death, or impacted by a natural disaster. Founded by food and beverage service industry veterans to help hospitality service employees with children bridge the financial gap when either the parent or child deals with a health crisis or natural disaster. Since 2013, the organization has grown into a nationally recognized non-profit that has helped close to 1,100 families in 49 states. For grand qualification, to apply or to refer a family for grant consideration, please visit COREgives.org. To support food and beverage employees via a donation, please visit COREgives.org.
Media Contact:
Victoria Segovia